Brentwood Car Accident Statistics

Brentwood car accident statistics suggest that the city has relatively safe roads, considering how close it sits to Nashville. Both the fatality and injury rates in Williamson County are far lower than those of surrounding counties.

But safe does not mean “accident-free.” Crashes in Brentwood produce hundreds of injuries and a few deaths every year. After a car crash, Labrum Law Firm Personal Injury Lawyers can analyze your collision and determine the claims you may have against the at-fault driver and their insurer.

Schedule a free initial consultation at (615) 455-3384 with our experienced personal injury attorney in Brentwood, TN.

How Labrum Law Firm Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help After a Car Crash in Brentwood, TN

How Labrum Law Firm Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help After a Car Crash in Brentwood, TN

Labrum Law Firm Personal Injury Lawyers provides experienced and compassionate representation to injured people in Brentwood, Tennessee. Our founding attorney has considerable experience fighting on behalf of injured clients against at-fault parties and their insurers.

If you suffer an injury, our Brentwood car accident lawyer can provide:

  • A free case evaluation to help you understand your legal options
  • An in-depth investigation into your crash
  • Aggressive negotiation to resolve your claim on fair terms
  • Skilled litigation to battle at-fault parties and insurers who refuse to settle

A car accident can put you in a precarious position with both your health and finances. Contact our Brentwood personal injury lawyer to discuss your injuries and potential compensation claims.

Are Brentwood’s Roads Safe?

Tennessee does not release car accident statistics for individual cities. But it does release crash statistics by county. Williamson County has good crash statistics compared to all neighboring counties. Specifically, its fatality rate of 0.1217 fatal crashes per 1,000 licensed drivers is lower than every bordering county and less than half the rate of Davidson County.

Similarly, Williamson County has an injury rate of 3.67 injury crashes per 1,000 licensed drivers, which is impressively low. Davidson County’s rate over the same period was 17.48 injury crashes per 1,000 licensed drivers, or about 4.8 times Williamson County’s rate.

Finally, you can look at the total crash rate. Williamson County had about 21 traffic accidents per 1,000 licensed drivers. Over the same period, Davidson County had over 46 traffic accidents per 1,000 licensed drivers.

From these numbers, you can see that drivers in Williamson County, including Brentwood, get in fewer crashes and suffer fewer injuries and fatalities than drivers in all surrounding counties. Thus, Brentwood has safer roads than nearby jurisdictions.

How and When Do Car Accidents Happen in Brentwood, TN?

In 2022, Williamson County had 4,621 total traffic accidents. These crashes included 18 pedestrian accidents and eight bicycle accidents. The statistics released by the state do not distinguish how many of the remaining 4,595 motor vehicle accidents involved only a single vehicle or multiple vehicles.

Crash Outcomes

Crashes in Williamson County in 2022 included:

  • 25 fatal crashes
  • 817 non-fatal injury crashes
  • 3,779 property damage-only crashes

These crashes caused:

  • 28 fatal injuries that caused death within 30 days after the crash
  • 94 serious injuries that incapacitated the victim
  • 515 minor injuries that were visible but non-incapacitating
  • 508 suspected injuries that caused pain or other symptoms without any visible wound

Injured road users included 18 pedestrians and eight cyclists. In total, 10,693 road users were involved in traffic accidents in 2022.

Dangerous Times To Drive in Brentwood, TN

Williamson County’s crashes exhibit an unusual pattern. In most counties, Friday has the most collisions. But in Brentwood, Friday was one of the safest weekdays to drive. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday saw peak crash numbers. Williamson County does match the rest of the state with weekend crash rates far below weekday crash rates.

Brentwood also follows the pattern expected for dangerous times of the day. Crashes see a small bump between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. They drop briefly before peaking between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. during the evening commute.

Brentwood Crash Causes

Crashes in Tennessee happen for many reasons, including poor visibility, slick roads, and vehicle malfunctions. However, the overwhelming majority of crashes result from dangerous driver behaviors.

Distracted driving caused nearly 24,000 traffic accidents across the state in 2020. You might expect the leading cause of these crashes to involve cell phone use. In fact, the state reported that over 62% of distracted driving crashes involved inattentiveness resulting from talking, eating, or other activities unrelated to cell use.

Speeding, another preventable behavior, caused over 7,200 traffic accidents in Tennessee in 2020. Roughly two-thirds of speed-related crashes happened when a driver lost control of their vehicle, leading to a single-vehicle crash. About one-third of speeding accidents involved a collision with another vehicle.

Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Experienced Brentwood Car Accident Attorney

A car accident can cause injuries that disable you from working or participating in activities you enjoy. Contact Labrum Law Firm Personal Injury Lawyers at (615) 455-3384 for a free consultation to discuss your car crash injuries and the compensation you can seek under Tennessee law.